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Home | Industrial Equipment

G104SN02 LCD Panel

G104SN02 on Sale | 5/14/2019 |


G104SN02 LCD Panel by

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We carry phased out
commercial quality components
for use in production environments
as well as power plants and
other installations.

This module is supplied with a
3 month guarantee.

Our modules comply with
NTL or other nationally recognized
safety certifications.

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Sales and Distribution of Obsolete and End of Life, Reclaimed and Refurbished, LCD Panels and LCD Inverters

Last Update: 5/12/2019  |  © 2019

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Meaning: Don’t put all your effort into a single course of action, venture, investment, goal, or the like, because if it doesn’t work, you lose everything.
Example: Almost entire revenue of the Company comes from the Facebook platform. If Facebook tweaks its policies in future, the Company may sink. They shouldn’t put all their eggs in the same basket.